Ocean Hackathon: an event, data and an international community
48 hours non-stop to develop a prototype in a team and to think about its use, using various digital data related to the sea. A call for challenges is launched a few months before the event to identify projects on which the teams will position themselves in each of the participating cities. At the end of the weekend, one team will be elected to take part in the international pitching competition (Grand Finale) in Brest.
New Caledonia is participating this year in the seventh edition of the Ocean Hackathon. The OH7 is an international event during which New Caledonian and regional teams develop a digital solution in response to a problem related to the ocean. Thus, during 48 hours and with the help of numerous data, the teams compete in a friendly atmosphere to develop a digital prototype in response to a “challenge” proposed by a user of the sea. At the end of the 48 hours, a podium will be constituted by a jury of international experts. The first winner will finally participate in the Grand Final organized in Brest in January 2023. Game on!
Who organises the local edition in Nouméa?
The New Caledonian Maritime Cluster (CMNC) is an association dedicated issued from the private sector and aiming to gather and federate all actors dealing with maritime topics in order to favorize set up of common projects and development of economical activities for its members.
Its missions:
Identify maritime challenges and structuring projects for the territory
Facilitate link with institutions on behalf of the New Caledonian maritime community
Favorize development and intergration in a regional dynamic
To do so, the CMNC works through working droups dealing with several prioritized topics such as energy, tourism, bioresources, excellence center, infrastructures, spatial planification, etc…
Why link OH7 and OGS?
The objectives of mutualization and development of the OGS are aligned and complementary to those of the OH7. With the “Ocean” theme, it was more than appropriate to link these two events and to integrate OH7 into the OGS, which aims to develop innovative solutions integrating geospatial data to address the problems of the theme, with local and regional teams.
Share the vision of a useful and innovative solution with a dedicated team.
- Access specific data and skills for the development of the solution.
- Participate in a regional competition and discover all the solutions developed.
Drink as much coffee as possible!!!
The objectives of mutualization and development of the OGS are aligned and complementary to those of the OH7. Around the theme of “Ocean”, it was more than obvious to link these two events intimately. Moreover, the use of geospatial data by the participants of the OH7 confirms a natural link between these two events with local but also regional scope.
Ocean Hackathon
Local OH7 team installation
Station N presentation
OH7 Opening & Launch
OH7 Launch Cocktail
OH 7 Coding
Welcome coffee
OH 7 Coding
Welcoming Jury
Pitchs Session
Official Closing
OGS Closing Cocktail
Documentations for Ocean Hackathon
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